52 professional tips to improve your blog – Tip 9: Expert Status & Know-How

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Due to the niche side challenge preparations, I did not get the weekly professional tip to publish in the last week.

I would like to make up for this today.

In today’s tip, the question is whether you should or should be an expert as a blogger.

In addition, a few notes on “Know How”.

This item is part of the following series:

52 Professional Tips to improve your blog

Do you have to be an expert?

Many a reader has written to me in the past that he would like to start a blog but is frightened by it. A common reason is that these readers do not consider themselves to be absolute experts on the subject they would like to blog about and therefore hesitate.

But you really have to be an expert and what exactly is an expert?

I will answer these questions in the following.

You do not have to be the expert

As a blogger, you do not have to be the number 1 expert in the respective subject area. If this were the case, 98% of the blogs would have to cease operations.

Of course, it does not hurt either, but the fewest people can claim to be an expert.

There are even many ways to start a blog on a topic that is obviously not an expert. So you could write about how you got yourself into a topic.

This would provide very nice experiences and examples. Gradually, one’s own experience and own know-how will rise, so that you may be considered as an expert.

Know more than the readers

But even then you do not have to be the expert. However, I think it is helpful if you have enough know-how over time.

In the medium term, you should already know more than the target group you are addressing, at least if you run a professional blog.

So it makes no sense to speak with a blog SEO professional, but even just to get involved in the topic.

In many areas, however, there is no problem with the readers, and even if you know more in some areas than most readers, there will always be readers who know more.

That is why I think it is too problematic to let the experts hang out. As an expert, one is perceived on the basis of his articles and tips and not because he is constantly asserting himself. Since I am personally immediately skeptical. See e.g. These self-proclaimed Internet and social media experts.

My experiences

My experiences reflect my view very well.

When I started self-employment on the net, I was not even 1-year independent. Besides, I could not live by myself alone.

I started the blog with Intension, to report about my experiences and to get in touch with other founders. Since it was not at all an expert to perform and to teach others what.

Over the years, the picture has changed a bit. I have accumulated many experiences and can accumulate know-how. From founders who want to start now on the net, I am partially perceived as an expert and, of course, I can and will share my know-how with them.


Nobody has to be an expert when he starts a blog. In the course of time, however, it is often quite normal for a certain reputation to be developed and perceived as an expert.

However, you should never pretend to be an expert. That flies quickly.

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