Blogging is usually run as a pure hobby and that is also good.
On the other hand, you are more likely to combine business goals with business websites and economic thinking.
In this article, I would nevertheless like to show why every blogger can benefit from goals.
This item is part of the following series:
52 Professional tips to improve your blog
Tip 6 – Set Goals
As a hobby-blogger, you usually sit in front of the computer, if you just want and have time.
And then it is considered what one could write, without any plan really behind it.
This is not a problem as long as the blog owner does not want to achieve something. Without most visions and wishes, most of them are not.
In order to achieve long-term goals, one also needs short-term ones. If one analyzes its actual situation, one creates the basis for a planning.
However, this is only useful if you have goals.
These can look different, but make the most sense if they are a) concrete and measurable and b) can be influenced.
A target, e.g. “100,000 visitors a year” is indeed measurable, but can only be directly influenced directly.
Better would be a goal like “publish 20 articles a month”. This is not only easily measurable but fully achievable. So you really have it in your hand.
If you define goals for yourself, the motivation is often increased, and it is easier to defeat the inner pig dog.
Without concrete goals, there is no pressure. But a little pressure is often very helpful to get started and stay tuned.
After all, you are happy when you achieve goals and achieve success. This, in turn, contributes to the motivation.
A positive devil circle. 😉
If you want to achieve something with your blog, it will be hard to figure out how the whole thing is going.
Whoever defines goals, can later examine how it has been done and what goals have been achieved and which are not.
If you only half-seriously blogs, you should set goals. These facilitate planning and increase motivation.
In the long term, it pays off, even if one does not always achieve all its goals.
I have not set goals myself at the outset, but I quickly realized that I had a blog with some kind of direction and did not really know where I wanted to go.
Meanwhile, I set myself not only to the beginning of the year but also for each month. That helps a lot in the planning and it is also psychologically advantageous to see a roadmap, instead of just yawning emptiness.
Today’s mission is: Consider a few goals for the year.
What do you want to achieve by December?
Where should your blog be at the end of the year?
What do you really want to implement?
You are now directing individual tasks and intermediate targets for the next months. Be very specific here and take challenging but manageable goals.
At the end of the year, you’ll be looking at the set goals and analyzing what you’ve achieved.